Become a Kiwanis Member

Have you been looking to do some volunteering for good causes in your community? Do you like helping kids, having fun and feeling like you made a difference? Why not consider joining us and become a member of our Kiwanis club?

Visit Us At A Meeting
The best way to learn about our club is to attend one of our weekly meetings, visit with our members, and discover how we are involved in our community. A typical meeting has a speaker make a presentation on an interesting topic.  A detailed Membership Guide is available online to provide the background of our club and Kiwanis.  If you like what you see at one of our meetings, then complete a membership application and bring it to the next meeting.

Background Check
All current members and new prospective members undergo a basic background check. If a member or prospective member elects not to have the check, then the member can’t participate in projects that have direct contact or interface with children.

Kiwanis uses Safe Hiring Solutions to perform the background check.  After the prospective member has filled out the membership application, they will be provided with a link that allows them to go online and fill out a background check form that will be processed by Safe Hiring Solutions.  The applicant will be notified after the results of the check are received.

Orientation and Induction
After your membership application is approved by the Club’s Board of Directors and the prospective member passes the background check, you then undergo a orientation program followed by induction into the club.

The initial one time membership fee is $25. There are three types of membership: regular and project and satellite. A regular member is assessed $42/month which includes International/District/Division dues and includes the cost of the weekly breakfasts. The project and satellite member have
the same membership rights of the regular member except that the project and satellite members don’t pay the weekly breakfast cost. Project and Satellite Members dues are $15.00/month.

To contact us about membership, send us an email .


Mail us at:
Kiwanis Club of Columbine
P.O. Box 620243
Littleton, CO 80162-0243
